Lithocholic bile acid accumulated in yeast mitochondria orchestrates a development of an anti-aging cellular pattern by causing age-related changes in cellular proteome


<p>We have previously revealed that exogenously added lithocholic bile acid (LCA) extends the chronological lifespan of the yeast <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>, accumulates in mitochondria and alters mitochondrial membrane lipidome. Here, we use quantitative mass spectrometry to show that LCA alters the age-related dynamics of changes in levels of many mitochondrial proteins, as well as numerous proteins in cellular locations outside of mitochondria. These proteins belong to 2 regulons, each modulated by a different mitochondrial dysfunction; we call them a partial mitochondrial dysfunction regulon and an oxidative stress regulon. We found that proteins constituting these regulons (1) can be divided into several “clusters”, each of which denotes a distinct type of partial mitochondrial dysfunction that elicits a different signaling pathway mediated by a discrete set of transcription factors; (2) exhibit 3 different patterns of the age-related dynamics of changes in their cellular levels; and (3) are encoded by genes whose expression is regulated by the transcription factors Rtg1p/Rtg2p/Rtg3p, Sfp1p, Aft1p, Yap1p, Msn2p/Msn4p, Skn7p and Hog1p, each of which is essential for longevity extension by LCA. Our findings suggest that LCA-driven changes in mitochondrial lipidome alter mitochondrial proteome and functionality, thereby enabling mitochondria to operate as signaling organelles that orchestrate an establishment of an anti-aging transcriptional program for many longevity-defining nuclear genes. Based on these findings, we propose a model for how such LCA-driven changes early and late in life of chronologically aging yeast cause a stepwise development of an anti-aging cellular pattern and its maintenance throughout lifespan.</p

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