Experiments reveal
a wide discrepancy between the permeability
of porous media containing colloid deposits and the available predictive
equations. Evidence suggests that this discrepancy results, in part,
from the predictive equations failing to account for colloid deposit
morphology. This article reports a series of experiments using static
light scattering (SLS) to characterize colloid deposit morphology
within refractive index matched (RIM) porous media during flow through
a column. Real time measurements of permeability, specific deposit,
deposit fractal dimension, and deposit radius of gyration, at different
vertical positions, were conducted with initially clean porous media
at various ionic strengths and fluid velocities. Decreased permeability
(i.e., increased clogging) corresponded with higher specific deposit,
lower fractal dimension, and smaller radius of gyration. During deposition,
fractal dimension, radius of gyration, and permeability decreased
with increasing specific deposit. During flushing with colloid-free
fluid, these trends reversed, with increased fractal dimension, radius
of gyration, and permeability. These observations suggest a deposition
scenario in which large and uniform aggregates become deposits, which
reduce porosity, lead to higher fluid shear forces, which then decompose
the deposits, filling the pore space with small and dendritic fragments
of aggregate