Effects of Condensed-Phase Oxidants on Secondary Organic
Aerosol Formation
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this study we investigate the hypothesis that oxidants present
within atmospheric particles can promote the formation of highly oxidized
organic aerosol (OA) via oxidation reactions in the condensed phase.
Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) was generated from the ozonolysis
of α-pinene and isoprene in an environmental chamber, with seed
particles systematically varied in order to assess the effects of
condensed-phase oxidant levels on SOA loading and composition. The
effects of particle phase (aqueous vs dry), condensed-phase oxidant
source (none vs H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> vs Fenton chemistry), and
irradiation (none vs UV) were all examined. For experiments conducted
with aqueous particles but without any added oxidants, UV irradiation
resulted in a small but measurable enhancement in the oxygen-to-carbon
ratio (O/C). OA formed in the presence of aqueous oxidants was substantially
more oxidized, with the highest oxidant concentrations leading to
OA with an O/C as high as 1.4 for α-pinene and 2.0 for isoprene,
strongly suggesting the formation of oxalate. High aqueous oxidant
levels also resulted in increased loss of carbon from the condensed
phase. This OA was more oxidized than in any other ozonolysis experiment
reported to date, indicating that, when present, aqueous oxidants
can have a dramatic effect on SOA formation. However, oxidant concentrations
within atmospheric aqueous particles remain poorly constrained, making
it difficult to assess the impacts of aqueous-phase oxidation on the
loadings and oxidation state of atmospheric OA