Validation of Spectra and Phase in Sub‑1 cm<sup>–1</sup> Resolution Sum-Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy
through Internal Heterodyne Phase-Resolved Measurement
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Reliable determination of the spectral
features and their phases
in sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS) for
surfaces with closely overlapping peaks has been a standing issue.
Here we present two approaches toward resolving such issue. The first
utilizes the high-resolution and accurate line shape from the recently
developed subwavenumber high-resolution broadband SFG-VS (HR-BB-SFG-VS),
from which the detail spectral parameters, including relative spectral
phases, of overlapping peaks can be determined through reliable spectral
fitting. These results are further validated by using the second method
that utilizes the azimuthal angle phase dependence of the z-cut α-quartz
crystal, a common phase standard, through the spectral interference
between the SFG fields of the quartz surface, as the internal phase
reference, and the adsorbed molecular layer. Even though this approach
is limited to molecular layers that can be transferred or deposited
onto the quartz surface, it is simple and straightforward, as it requires
only an internal phase standard with a single measurement that is
free of phase drifts. More importantly, it provides unambiguous SFG
spectral phase information on such surfaces. Using this method, the
absolute phase of the molecular susceptibility tensors of the CH<sub>3</sub>, CH<sub>2</sub>, and chiral C–H groups in different
Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) molecular monolayers and drop-cast peptide
films are determined. These two approaches are fully consistent with
and complement to each other, making both easily applicable tools
in SFG-VS studies. More importantly, because the HR-BB-SFG-VS technique
can be easily applied to various surfaces and interfaces, such validation
of the spectral and phase information from HR-BB-SFG-VS measurement
demonstrates it as one of the most promising tools for interrogating
the detailed structure and interactions of complex molecular interfaces