A Generic Industry Approach To Demonstrate Efficient
Purification of Potential Mutagenic Impurities in the Synthesis of
Drug Substances
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of theoretical purge factors for the evaluation of
risk of carryover of potential mutagenic impurities (MIs) into the
final active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) has been discussed as
a possible approach to demonstrate efficient purification of potential
MIs (Substances I, II, III, and IV) in the synthesis of the vortioxetine
drug substance. Theoretical purge factors for the four potential MIs
were determined based on the physicochemical properties of an MI in
relation to processing conditions. Compared to depletion studies of
I and III, the calculated purge factors were very conservative in
predicting impurities reduction. However, even a conservatively calculated
purge factor correctly predicted high purging capability of the process
to eliminate substance I. This novel approach could help pharmaceutical
companies to focus on those impurities that are more likely to be
carried over into the final API, thus obviating the use of analytical
testing where not necessary