Elucidating the Photoresponse of Ultrathin MoS<sub>2</sub> Field-Effect Transistors by Scanning Photocurrent Microscopy
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The mechanisms underlying the intrinsic
photoresponse of few-layer
(FL) molybdenum disulfide (MoS<sub>2</sub>) field-effect transistors
are investigated via scanning photocurrent microscopy. We attribute
the locally enhanced photocurrent to band-bending-assisted separation
of photoexcited carriers at the MoS<sub>2</sub>/Au interface. The
wavelength-dependent photocurrents of FL MoS<sub>2</sub> transistors
qualitatively follow the optical absorption spectra of MoS<sub>2</sub>, providing direct evidence of interband photoexcitation. Time and
spectrally resolved photocurrent measurements at varying external
electric fields and carrier concentrations establish that drift-diffusion
currents dominate photothermoelectric currents in devices under bias