of a New Skeletal Chemical Kinetic Model
of Toluene Reference Fuel with Application to Gasoline Surrogate Fuels
for Computational Fluid Dynamics Engine Simulation
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On the basis of our recent experience
in developing a skeletal
chemical kinetic model of primary reference fuel (PRF) with a semi-decoupling
methodology, a new general and compact skeletal model of toluene reference
fuels (TRF) consisting of 56 species and 168 reactions is presented
for the oxidation of gasoline surrogate fuels. The skeletal submodel
of toluene is added to the PRF model using reaction paths and sensitivity
analysis. An improvement has been made in comparison to the existing
skeletal models of TRF on laminar flame speed and important species
evolution, while predictions of precise ignition delay are maintained.
The skeletal model in this work is validated by comparison to the
experimental data in a shock tube, jet-stirred reactor, flow reactor,
and premixed laminar flame speed, as well as an internal combustion
engine over extensive ranges of equivalence ratio, temperature, and
pressure for each single fuel component and their blends. The new
skeletal model is also tested using two ternary surrogates with different
compositions on shock tube, laminar flame speed, and internal combustion
engine. The results indicate that the overall satisfactory agreements
between the predictions and experimental data are achieved