
Data for geographic coordinates and climate Abbreviations of characters/columns (if not clear from their designations): ID, code of the study sample as in Roitberg et al. 2015, Table 1; reg3 (as ID); tmin1 – tmin12, monthly means of minimal temperatures; tmax1 – tmax12, monthly means of maximal temperatures; tmax1 – tmax12, monthly means of maximal temperatures; prec1 – prec12, monthly sums of precipitation; PC1-clim – PC2-clim, first two principal components of geographic variation for the above 36 climatic variables (see Roitberg et al. 2015 for explanations); bio1 – bio19, the so called bioclimatic variables: bio1, Annual Mean Temperature; bio2, Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)); bio3, Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (* 100); bio4, Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100); bio5, Max Temperature of Warmest Month; bio6, Min Temperature of Coldest Month; bio7, Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6); bio8, Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter; bio9, Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter; bio10, Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter; bio11, Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter; bio12, Annual Precipitation; bio13, Precipitation of Wettest Month; bio14, Precipitation of Driest Month; bio15, Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation); bio16, Precipitation of Wettest Quarter; bio17, Precipitation of Driest Quarter; bio18, Precipitation of Warmest Quarter; bio19, Precipitation of Coldest Quarter. Note that for most study samples, values for longitude, latitude, and climatic variables are average values for several sites from which the study animals were collected; sites which provided relatively small amount of data were not considered for computing these average values. Specifically, for Sample 16, most study animals come from surroundings of Nizhnyaya Neninka (Soltonskiy district); for Sample 17, most study animals were collected near Yailyu (Turochakskiy district). These localities were taken as reference sites for the corresponding samples

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