Expression levels of genes within the <i>Sult1a1-Spn</i> region in brain and peripheral tissues.
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<p>Expression levels for 30 probe sets within the engineered region in the hippocampus (A), the striatum (B), the cerebellum (C), and the liver (D). Vertical axis represents log2-fold change in the normalized expression ratio. Blue dots—<i>Del/+</i> animals, black circles—wt animals, orange dots—<i>Dup/+</i> animals. (E) Principal component analysis of the expression of genes from the <i>Sult1a1-Spn</i> region. The first component (horizontal axis) explaining 58.2% of the variance is mainly capturing the CNV effect, the second component (vertical axis) explaining 28.7% of the variance is mainly capturing the regional effect, especially in the cerebellum (+) versus the striatum (*) and the hippocampus (-). Blue dots—<i>Del/+</i> animals, black circles—wt mice, orange dots—<i>Dup/+</i> animals. (F) A Venn diagram representing the number of gene set enriched pathways identified using the transcriptome analysis in the three regions of the brain and the liver, showing some major impact in the striatum and the liver and 16 pathways found altered in at least two tissues.</p