Histogram of the patient’s AT/AF burden (n = 370).
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<p>AT/AF burden was defined as the amount of time spent in AT/AF on a given day. Average AT/AF burden per day over the monitoring period (A), maximum daily AT/AF burden, defined as the single day with maximal burden over the monitoring period (B), and the percentage of days over the monitoring period that the patient experienced AT/AF (C) were determined for each of the 370 patients in the primary analysis and are shown as a histogram. Each bar in Fig 1A and 1B indicates the proportion of individuals who were assigned into the corresponding group divided by 1-hour interval of the aggregated AT/AF events among 370 patients. For example, the bar of 6 hours/day in Fig 1A indicates that the proportion of patients with an average AT/AF burden between 5 to 6 hours/day among the 370 patients was 0.5%.</p