
Energy flow between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: flying substitution of players


Kolanje energije nije ograničeno samo na jedan ekosustav već se na dodiru dvaju ekosustava odvija uzajamna izmjena resursa. Vrhunci produktivnosti razlikuju se između ekosustava te se njihovom izmjenom mijenja i strujanje energije. Oligotrofni lotički ekosustav glavninu energije dobiva alohtonim unosom organske tvari u obliku listinca. Listinac koriste vodeni kukci za hranu i stanište. Vodeni kukci koji izlijeću iz vode hrana su priobalnim predatorima. Na taj se način dio energije unesen s kopna vraća natrag u vrijeme niske biomase kopnenog plijena. Na brojnost kukaca i njihovu raznolikost utječe i kvaliteta otpalog lišća. Važno je razumjeti povezanost kopnenih i vodenih ekosustava kako bi se učinkovito provodila njihova zaštita.The circulation of energy is not confined to a single ecosystem but there is a reciprocal subsidy transfer between adjacent habitats. Peak productivities in adjacent ecosystems can alternate thus changing the direction of energy flow. The most of its energy in an oligotrofic lotic system provides from outside (allochtonus) sources. Mostly in form of leaf-litter. Aquatic insects use leaf-litter as food and habitat. Emerging insects provide food sources for riparian predators. This is the way that energy once entered the stream comes back to the land in a time of low terrestrial prey biomass. The abundance of insects and their diversity is affected by the quality of fallen leaves. It is important to understand the connection between terrestrial and aquatic acosystems in order to effectively implement their protection

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