
In situ characterization of layered materials growth on flat substrates


Glavni cilj ovog diplomskog rada je analiza rasta površine, duljine rubova i broja otoka MoS2 u realnom vremenu tijekom sinteze. Eksperiment u sklopu ovog rada proveden je na Institutu za fiziku u sklopu Centra izvrsnosti za napredne materijale i senzore. Značajni napori posvećeni su pripremi jednoslojnog MoS2. U sintezama MoS2 materijala usvojena je sulfurizacija MoO3 korištenjem metode depozicije iz kemijskih para (CVD). Ta je metoda najpraktičnija za rast većih površina kao što je to slučaj s grafenom. Rast otoka MoS2 praćen je i sniman putem in situ optičke vizualizacije. Sama obrada podataka odrađena je pomoću moćnog freeware programa za obradu slike ImageJ. Uz to je obrađena i sama teorijska pozadina obrade slike.The main goal of the thesis was an analysis of the surface area, the edge length and the number of MoS2 flakes in real time during synthesis. The experiments were performed at the Institute of Physics within the Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Sensing Devices. This work was focused on the preparation of single-layer MoS2. The synthesis of MoS2 layers was adopted via sulfurization of MoO3 precursor using the well-known method of chemical vapor deposition (CVD). This is a very practical method for the growth of materials over large areas, such as it is the case with graphene. The growth of MoS2 flakes is characterized in situ via optical visualization. Data processing and subsequent analysis was performed by using a powerful freeware program for image processing, ImageJ. Along with the analysis, a theoretical background of image processing was described

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