Cytogenetic and oxidative status of individuals with thyroid gland illnesses


Biomonitoringom genomske cjelovitosti moguće je poboljšati prevenciju raka. Rak štitne žlijezde postao je jedan od najbrže rastućih tipova raka u svijetu. Usporedbom 100 ispitanika kontrolne skupine s ispitanicima s oboljenjima štitne žlijezde uočene su više razine oštećenja molekule DNA u limfocitima periferne krvi (1,24 puta veći broj izmjena sestrinskih kromatida, 1,47 puta veći ukupni broj kromosomskih aberacija, 1,84 veći intenzitet repa, i 2,32 puta veći ukupni broj mikronukleusa). Oksidacijski status ispitanika s oboljenjima štitne žlijezde također je narušen gdje je uočena 1,60 puta veća koncentracija malondialdehida te 32 % niža koncentracija glutationa. Nadalje, B-Raf i Ret proteini izraženi su u 97,89 % citoplazmi tkiva oboljelih ispitanika što sugerira kako bi se citogenetički biomarkeri mogli koristiti u prevenciji raka štitne žlijezde. Pritom bi se oksidacijski stres mogao smatrati jednim od mehanizama nastanka bolesti.Biomonitoring of genome integrity could be used for better cancer prevention. Thyroid cancer has become one of the fastest growing cancer types in the world. When compared to 100 matched controls, patients with thyroid illnesses showed higher basal DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes (1.24-fold increase in sister chromatid exchanges, 1.47-fold increase in total number of chromosomal aberrations, 1.84-fold increase in tail intensity, and 2.32-fold increase in total number of micronuclei). The oxidative status of thyroid patients was also altered showing 1.60-fold increase in concentration of malondialdehyde and 32 % decrease in concentration of glutathione. Finally, the observed B-Raf and Ret in 97.89 % of patient’s tissue cytoplasms suggest that cytogenetic biomarkers could be used in thyroid cancer prevention. Additionally, oxidative stress might be one of the mechanisms of thyroid disease initiation

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