Comparative Computer Simulation Study of Cholesterol
in Hydrated Unary and Binary Lipid Bilayers and in an Anhydrous Crystal
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Models created with molecular dynamics
simulations are used to
compare the organization and dynamics of cholesterol (Chol) molecules
in three different environments: (1) a hydrated pure Chol bilayer
that models the Chol bilayer domain, which is a pure Chol domain embedded
in the bulk membrane; (2) a 2-palmitoyl-3-oleoyl-d-glycerol-1-phosphorylcholine
bilayer saturated with cholesterol (POPC-Chol50) that models the bulk
membrane; (3) a Chol crystal. The computer model of the hydrated pure
Chol bilayer is stable on the microsecond time scale. Some structural
characteristics of Chol molecules in the Chol bilayer are similar
to those in the POPC-Chol50 bilayer (e.g., tilt of Chol rings and
chains), while others are similar to those in Chol crystals (e.g.,
surface area per Chol, bilayer thickness). The key result of this
study is that the Chol bilayer has, unexpectedly, a dynamic structure,
with Chol mobility similar to that in the POPC-Chol50 bilayer though
slower. This is the major difference compared to Chol crystals, where
Chol molecules are immobile. Also, water accessibility to Chol–OH
groups in the Chol bilayer is not limited. On average, each Chol molecule
makes 2.3 hydrogen bonds with water in the Chol bilayer, compared
with 1.7 hydrogen bonds in the POPC-Col50 bilayer