Conical Intersection Optimization
Based on a Double
Newton–Raphson Algorithm Using Composed Steps
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An algorithm for conical intersection optimization based
on a double
Newton–Raphson step (DNR) has been implemented and tested in
11 cases using CASSCF as the electronic structure method. The optimization
is carried out in redundant coordinates, and the steps are the sum
of two independent Newton–Raphson steps. The first step is
carried out to reach the energy degeneracy and uses the gradient of
the energy difference between the crossing states and the so-called
branching space Hessian. The second step minimizes the energy in the
intersection space and uses the projected excited state gradient and
the intersection space Hessian. The branching and intersection space
Hessians are obtained with a Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno
update from the gradient difference and projected excited state gradients,
respectively. In some cases, mixing of the quasi-degenerate states
near the seam causes changes in the direction of the gradient difference
vector and induces a loss of the degeneracy. This behavior is avoided
switching to a composed step (CS) algorithm [Sicilia et al.<i> J. Chem. Theory Comput.</i> <b>2008</b>, <i>4</i>, 27], i.e., a hybrid DNR-CS implementation. Compared to the composed
gradient (CG) [Bearpark et al. <i>Chem. Phys. Lett.</i> <b>1994</b>, <i>223</i>, 269] and hybrid CG-CS algorithms,
the DNR-CS algorithm reaches the MECI in 30% and 15% less steps, respectively.
The improvement occurs mostly because the approach to the seam is
more efficient, and a degeneracy threshold of 0.001 hartree is reached
at lower energies than in the CG and CG-CS cases