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Phylogeny of Forkhead (FOX) transcription factors. The FKH domain of forkhead proteins of H. sapiens, D. melanogaster, E. multilocularis, H. microstoma, and published FoxQ2 homologs from other animals were aligned, and a phylogeny was estimated by Maximum Likelihood analysis (with a JTT model) using MEGA 5.2 [85]. Bootstrap support values from 1,000 replicates are indicated next to the nodes. Nodes with lower than 50 % support were collapsed. GeneDB accession codes are given for E. multilocularis and H. microstoma and Genbank accession codes are given for all other sequences. The FoxQ2 group is outlined, and the foxQ2 genes of E. multilocularis and H. microstoma are indicated by arrows. (PDF 33 kb

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