Results of caterpillar feeding trials


The results of the caterpillar (using Parapoynx stratiotata) feeding trials were conducted in the laboratory in the Netherlands and are located in a tab-separated text file. Respectively, column headings are: ID [= unique identifier of each record], species [= plant species fed upon by caterpillar], fresh biomass (g) [= initial plant mass offered to caterpillar], fresh biomass after (g) [= remaining plant mass], FWeaten (g) [= fresh plant biomass lost during feeding trial], 450nm [= spectrophotometric absorbance at 450 nm after experiment], TON [= oxidized nitrogen in water in mg/L],NH4 [= total ammonium in water in mg/L], PO4 [= o-phosphate in water in mg/L], NO2 [= nitrite in water in mg/L], FW caterpillar end (mg) [= final fresh weight of combined caterpillars in milligrams], P% [= plant phosphorus content in % of plant dry mass of plant remainder after feeding], C% [= plant carbon content in % of plant dry mass of plant remainder after feeding], N% [= plant nitrogen content in % of plant dry mass of plant remainder after feeding], TPC% [= plant total phenolics content in % of plant dry mass of plant remainder after feeding], caterpillar.DM [= caterpillar dry mass after feeding],caterpillar.C [= caterpillar carbon content in % of its dry mass after feeding]caterpillar.N [= caterpillar nitrogen content in % of its dry mass after feeding], caterpillar.P [= caterpillar phosphorus content in % of its dry mass after feeding

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