
Additional file 1: Table S1. Hamsters treated with vehicle or differing amounts of CRAd-S-pk7 were observed for any gross pathological observations at the predetermined endpoints (Days 6, 34, and 62). Minimal gross pathological incidents occurred in any of the target organs (CNS). Non-target related pathological changes (testes and uterus) were also seen in the vehicle control groups, suggesting that these observations were unrelated to test article treatment. N = 10 hamsters per group/per time point (n = 5 male + n = 5 female) except in the sex organ groups (n = 5 male or n = 5 female per time point). In bold are isolated observations potentially influenced by CRAd-S-pk7 treatment. Table S2. Hamsters were treated with CRAd-S-pk7 adenoviral vector delivery and were sacrificed at 6, 34, and 62 days post viral vector injection for microscopic pathology observation. Analysis of adverse events associated with vector treatment in the target organs (CNS) is shown above; other organs were analyzed but not included due to lack of any significant viral vector-associated pathology. Analysis shows mild perivascular/meningeal inflammation and mild gliosis in the thalamus/cortex (in bold and shown in Fig. 7), which is largely resolved by day 62 after treatment. N = 10 hamsters per group/per time point (n = 5 male + n = 5 female)

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