Ratnieks et al. Data reliability in citizen science (data sets)


Two data sets analyzed in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively, from the paper of Ratnieks et al., Data reliability in citizen science: learning curve and the effects of training method, volunteer background and experience on identification accuracy of insects visiting ivy flowers. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Both data sets are in the form of Tab-delimited text files. The variables included are as follows: Experiment 1: (each row represents one test of one participant, where participants were tested only once) Training = training method (pamphlet only, pamphlet + slide show, pamphlet + direct training) Degree = study degree of participants, biology-related (B) or not (N) Experience = prior experience of participants (Y/N) Experiment 2: (each participant was tested three times) Participant = unique participant id TestNo = test number (first, second or third) AdMat = type of additional training material (video or stills) Both datasets: Other variables present the proportion of insects identified correctly by each participant on each test. HB - honey bees SOCW - social wasps HBMHOV - honey bee-mimicking hover flies WMHOV - wasp-mimicking hover flies OTHFLY - non-syrphid flies IVYBEE - ivy bees BB - bumble bees BF - butterflies MO - moths ALL - all insects combine

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