
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Nodal immunostaining changes along the development of the oncospheres. (a) Small sphere showing only cells that with a symmetrical Nodal distribution in the cytoplasm. (b) Large sphere comprised by cells with distinct Nodal distributions. (c–e) Nodal immunostaining (red) in OB1 stem cells placed at the top of oncospheres is localized to the cell membrane (green, phalloidin, asterisk). (f–h) Cells located at the lateral edge of oncospheres harboring different heights presented Nodal immunostaining symmetrically distributed in the cytoplasm of cells. (i–l) Cells directly attached to the substrate also presented a symmetrical distribution of Nodal. (e, h, k, l) Optical slices projected on the YZ axis showing a virtual reconstruction of the oncosphere

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