
On Ising models


For various Ising models two approaches are discussed, one is that of simulating lattices, also called gauging on exact equations, the other is that of calculating analytical expressions for the boundary free energy of Ising lattices. The first approach allows to conjecture a solution for some Ising models, that have sofar not been solved, once some exact partial result for the problem is known. The second approach aims at furnishing such a partial result in the form of a condition for the critical temperature. An example of such a result was recently given for the 2D Ising square lattice with nearest and next-nearest-neighbor interactions. The critical line that separates the ordered (ferromagnetic) phase from the disordered (paramagnetic) phase showed good agreement in the moderate and strong nearest neighbor coupling limit with several results obtained by Monte Carlo, transfer matrix and series expansion results. We extend the discussion of the critical line, finding an excellent fit, now also in other points, like the Padé point, as well as cusp behavior at the Onsager point where the lattice decouples into two 2D square lattices with only nearest-neighbor interaction. Combination of this result with a geometrical argument in the simulation approach leads to a critical exponent 220.5858,2-\sqrt{2} \approx 0.5858, comparable to the exponent 4/70.57144/7 \approx 0.5714 found from renormalization arguments.\ud \u

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