
Ontology-Based Context-Aware Service Discovery for Pervasive Environments


Existing service discovery protocols use a service matching process in order to offer services of interest to the clients. Potentially, the context information of the services and client can be used to improve the quality of service matching. To make use of context information in service matching, service discovery needs to address certain challenges. Firstly, it is required that the context information should have unambiguous representation. Secondly, the mobile devices should be able to disseminate context information seamlessly in the fixed network. And thirdly, dynamic nature of the context information should be taken into account. The proposed Context Aware Service Discovery (CASD) architecture deals with these challenges by means of an ontological representation and processing of context information, a concept of nomadic mobile context source and a mechanism of persistent service discovery respectively. This paper discusses proposed CASD architecture, its implementation and suggests further enhancements

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