Genome-wide chromatin and gene expression profiling during memory formation and maintenance in adult mice. [Data Record 6: DHPTMs]


<b><u>DESCRIPTION</u></b><br>This data record contains tables of all differential histone post-translational modifications (DHPTMs), where each table contains different compared conditions for time point 1h, tissue CA1, and each cell type (Neu or Non) and histone mark (H3K27AC, H3K27ME3, H3K4ME1, H3K4ME3, H3K79ME3 or H3K9AC). Each mark is analysed for different DHPTM region set, where H3K27ac and H3K4me1 are analysed for peak regions, H3K27me3 and H3K79me3 are analysed for gene bodies and H3K4me3 and H3K9ac are analysed for TSS regions [-500,+1000] bases around the TSS. The compared conditions concern the different sets of mouse, N-C compares naïve (N) to context (C) mice, N-CS compares naive (N) to context shock (CS) mice, and C-CS compares context (C) to context shock (CS) mice.<br><br><b><u>TABLES</u></b><br>The table contains columns with HPTM coordinates and differential occupation statistics. Columns “chromosome”, “DHPTM start”, “DHPTM end” and “Strand” contain the position in the genome where the DHPTM was detected (mm10 assembly), where peak-based tests (marks H3K27ac and H3K4me1) were run as strand-independent, so for such tests column “Strand” contains “.” for all entries. Column “baseMean” shows the average normalised read counts in each DHPTM. Column “logFC” shows the fold change of the comparison between the conditions in log 2. Columns “pvalue” and “p-adjust” contain the pvalue and the adjusted p-value according to the FDR test.<br><br><u><b>DATA GENERATION</b></u><br>The code used to identify DHPTMs can be found in Figshare (<br><br

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