Supplement 1. Two geographic information system data layers showing Michigan's land cover ca. 1800 and unchanged land cover ca. 1980.


<h2>File List</h2><blockquote> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> </blockquote><h2>Description</h2><blockquote> <p> is the compressed archival file containing two GIS data sets, lu1800.e00 and unch_veg.e00. </p> <p> lu1800 is the land cover of Michigan as interpreted from the survey notes of the Government Land Office (GLO) surveys of the 1800s. Data format is an ESRI polygon coverage in interchange format. Geographic projection is Michigan Georef, NAD 83, meters. </p> <p> unch_veg.e00 is the current Michigan vegetation that is of a similar vegetation type as present in the same location during the GLO surveys of the 1800s. Data type is an ESRI polygon coverage in interchange format. Geographic projection is Michigan Georef, NAD 83, meters.</p> </blockquote

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