Supplement 1. Three files containing BLAST identifications for fungal OTUs and abundances across samples.


<h2>File List</h2><div> <p><a href="Blast_IDs.csv">Blast_IDs.csv</a> (MD5: 62e5100c20160c284f4d0c0d7e966652)</p> <p><a href="OTU_by_site_matrix.csv">OTU_by_site_matrix.csv</a> (MD5: fd8cb6e0180fda1c17b283fb1bb9de0e)</p> <p><a href="Phyla_Guild_Assignments.csv">Phyla_Guild_Assignments.csv</a> (MD5: 835a54ac9732fb782bc6756fd8e10fa6)</p> </div><h2>Description</h2><div> <p>Blast_IDs is a comma-delimited spreadsheet with a row for each OTU encountered in this study. The columns are as follows: Rank = the relative abundance of that OTU across the entire dataset. Rank #1 was the most abundant OTU (in terms of number of clone sequences falling into that OTU). Operational Taxonomic Unit = the code assigned to that OTU when the sequences were clustered using Cap3. Representative Clone = the code for the original clone sequence that was chosen to represent that OTU. Best Match GenBank Accession = the accession number for the sequence in GenBank with the highest bit score when the OTU representative sequence was blasted against our in-house database. Best Match Description = edited text from the title of the top GenBank blast hit meant to convey the putative identity. Percent Identity = the percent of identical bases over the region of the query and hit that were sufficiently similar to be aligned by BLAST. Length of Overlap = the length of the region that was sufficiently similar to be aligned by BLAST. Bit Score = the quality of the match assigned by BLAST. Quality of Top Match = the taxonomic level to which the query sequence could be identified based on a set of rules involving percent identity combined with overlap length, as described in the text of the article.</p> <p>OTU_by_site_matrix is a comma-delimited spreadsheet providing OUT abundances. Counts of clones belonging to a particular OTU in each sample (site × year × horizon combination) are given. Each row represents one OTU. The site is designated by the first number (e.g., '109'), the horizon by M = mineral and O = organic and the sampling year by 4 = 2004 and 5 = 2005. The first column gives the OTU designation, the second column gives the rank of that OTU and subsequent columns give the clone counts in each sample. The last column provides a cumulative total clone count for each OTU. </p> <p>Phyla_Guild_Assignments is a comma-delimited spreadsheet showing the guilds that were assigned to particular fungal OTUs. The first five columns are identical to those described above for the file Blast_IDs. The next columns, labeled “Phylum or Subphylum” and “Order” give the corresponding GenBank taxonomy designations for the top BLAST match. The last column, labeled “Guild”, provides our best estimate of the trophic guild to which the OTU belongs. ECM = ectomycorrhizal; sap = saprotrophic (typically wood or litter decay); lichen = lichen; ?? = unknown. We only attempted to define guild for a subset of well-defined OTUs.</p> </div

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