Additional file 4: Figure S4. of Autophagy-independent function of Atg1 for apoptosis-induced compensatory proliferation


Expression of dAtg1 is not sufficient to induce growth signals for AiP. Late third instar eye discs labeled with wg-lacZ (red in B, C and grey in A, B’, C’), dpp-lacZ (red in E, F and grey in D, E’,F’) or kekkon-lacZ (kek-lacZ, red in H, I and grey in G, H’, I’). Anterior is to the left. DE-Gal4 tub-Gal80 ts (DE ts ) was used to control expression of UAS-transgenes at 29 °C for 12 h in the dorsal portion of eye discs, followed by 24 h of recovery at 18 °C (TS12hR24h). Compared to control discs (A, D, G), temporal expression of hid leads to apoptosis, indicated by the cCasp3 labeling (green in B), and ectopic induction of wg-lacZ (B’, arrow), dpp-lacZ (E’, arrow) and kek-lacZ (H’, arrow) which are markers of the growth signaling pathways mediating AiP. In contrast, expression of dAtg1 under the same conditions (TS12hR24h) does not activate ectopic wg, dpp or kek (compare C’, F’, I’ to B’, E’, H’) although a low level of apoptosis is induced (cCasp3-labeling, green in C). (TIF 7173 kb

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