
Photodefinition of channel waveguide in electro-optic polymer


Polymers with optically active nonlinear chromophores have been shown to have a promising future in low cost and high speed electro–optic device applications. However, a main question of concern is the photochemical stability of the chromophores for long term application. The chromophore TCVDPA with a benzene bridge between a tricyanovinyl acceptor and an amino donor has been reported to have high photochemical stability combined with high electro-optic activity. In the current work direct waveguide definition of the host polymer SU-8, a negative photoresist, containing this chromophore by masked UV exposure followed by development, has been demonstrated. This was possible by utilizing the chromophore low absorption window in the UV region that allows crosslinking of the host polymer by exposing to UV light followed by thermal curing

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