
HistoricalProjections -> HabitatSuitability hs1979-hs2013 are spatial layers that distinguish 32 ha cells in Michigan, USA as nonsuitable (0), low suitability (1), moderate suitability (2), and high suitability (3) habitat for Kirtland's warbler annually between 1979 and 2013. The layers can be used as input files for the Spatial Data subprogram in program RAMAS GIS. HistoricalProjections -> Precipitation p1979-p2013 are spatial layers that contain total March precipitation values for the Nassau NOAA station (Bahamas) annually between 1979 and 2013 in cells that contain suitable habitat for Kirtland's warbler. The layers can be used as input files for the Spatial Data subprogram in program RAMAS GIS

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