Additional file 3: Figure S3. of The anti-inflammatory Annexin A1 induces the clearance and degradation of the amyloid-β peptide


ImageStream quantification of 5-FAM-labelled Aβ1–42 phagocytosis by BV2 cells. Histogram showing gating of BV2 cells. B. Scatterplot showing gating of focused BV2 cells. C. Histogram and representative images of negative and positive 5-FAM-labelled Aβ1–42 phagocytosis by BV2 cells. D. Representative histograms of 5-FAM-labelled Aβ1–42 phagocytosis by BV2 cells (WT, control shRNA and shRNA ANXA1) incubated for 3 h with 5-FAM-labelled Aβ1–42 (5 μg/ml) added to BV2-conditioned medium. (PDF 865 kb

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