
No correlation between pThr514 CRMP2 and pSer396 tau in LBD parietal cortex. a Bar graph of mean (± SEM) pSer396 tau to total tau ratios. Scatter plots of pThr514 CRMP2 with pSer396 tau : total tau in total homogenate fractions of b LBD (DLB + PDD), c DLB and d PDD parietal cortex, with insets indicating rho and p values. Available N for control = 19; PDD = 19 and DLB = 20. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were found for multiple pair-wise comparisons of pSer396 : total tau between groups (Kruskal-Wallis H tests), or for pThr514 CRMP2 correlations with pSer396 tau : total tau ratios (Spearman). (PDF 106 kb

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