
All measures are for Duroia hirsuta trees in a 50 ha permanent plot at the Yasuni National Park. Diameter at breast height (DBH) (1.30 m) of each tree measuring at least 1 cm DBH. DBH1995= tree DBH in 1995, DBH2013= tree DBH in 2013, Neighbors= number of D. hirsuta trees within 5 m of a focal tree.Habitat= type of habitat where each tree was located, three categories: ridge, slope, valley. Surv= whether the tree was alive (A) of died (D) in 2013, considering only trees that were alive in 2010. All measures are for Duroia hirsuta trees in a 50 ha permanent plot at the Yasuni National Park. Diameter at breast height (DBH) (1.30 m) of each tree measuring at least 1 cm DBH. DBH1995= tree DBH in 1995, DBH2013= tree DBH in 2013, Neighbors= number of D. hirsuta trees within 5 m of a focal tree.Habitat= type of habitat where each tree was located, three categories: ridge, slope, valley. Ant.type= ant indicates that the mutualist ant (Myrmelachista schumanni) was recorded in the D. hirsuta tree in 2010, the tree had signs of hosting the tree (ant understory clearings) in 2010, and the ant was recorded in the tree in 2013; no ant= the ant was recorded either in 2010, 2013, or in none of these years. Ant.type1= whether M. schumanni was present (1) or absent (0); ant present was in trees that had a record of M. schummani and ant-understory clearing in 2010 and the M. schumanni was present in 2013, or absent was when none of the three conditions were met

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