
Line-Defect Waveguides in Hexagon-Hole type Photonic Crystal Slabs: Design and Fabrication using Focused Ion Beam Technology


Photonic-crystal slabs (PCS) patterned with a 2D triangular-lattice having hexagonal holes rotated with respect to their symmetry axis can provide a larger bandgap than similar slabs with circular holes. A step forward towards integrated optical devices is introducing line ‘defects’ in PCS, the goal being the achievement of single-mode waveguiding over a frequency range as large as possible, inside the gap. We present the design for defect waveguides with reduced width and a novel fabrication technique, which is an integration of optical lithography with focused ion beam (FIB) high-resolution etching. This technique allows a good alignment between a line ‘defect’ and conventional ridge waveguides

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