
Chiba University\u27s approach to international-standard education : A report of study tour to International Organizations in Geneva


[要旨] 千葉大学予防医学センターでは,グローバルな視点や課題解決能力を持った学生を育成するための取組みのひとつとして,2013年度よりWHO本部等と連携した「国際機関視察研修」を実施している。千葉大学は2016年4月より三大学(千葉大学・金沢大学・長崎大学)共同大学院として先進予防医学共同専攻を開講したが,2016年9月に実施した第4回目となる同研修には,三大学の一つである金沢大学からも教員・学生が参加し,WHOをはじめとする国際機関の視察や職員からの講義を受ける等,社会医学に関する国際機関の取組み等について幅広く理解を深めた。[Summary] In April 2016, Center for Preventive Medical Sciences(CPMS), Chiba University launched the Division of Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences in cooperation with Kanazawa University and Nagasaki University in order to nurture research in and further clinical practice of“personalized preventive medicine”with the aim of developing understanding of the impact of biological characteristics and environmental factors to individuals and so that disease can be prevented even before a prodrome appears. As one sphere of its activities, Chiba University and Kanazawa University jointly provided the special training program in cooperation with international organizations such as the WHO, IOM and IFRC, and the Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva for three days in September 2016. A total of 40 clinicians, researchers, students and administrative staff from both universities participated in the program and studied through lectures and discussion a range of current global issues relating to public health

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