Additional file 5: Figure S5. of pGluAβ increases accumulation of Aβ in vivo and exacerbates its toxicity


pGluAβ increases accumulation of Aβ1-42 in vivo. (A). Flies co-expressing Aβ1-42 and AβpE3-42 peptide, had substantially more Aβ1-42 levels than flies expressing Aβ1-42 alone. Aβ was not detected in flies expressing a single copy of Aβ1-42 because it does not accumulate enough protein. However, Aβ1-42 was detected in flies expressing 2 copies of Aβ1-42 (B), confirming protein expression in these flies with the antibody. Furthermore, to validate specificity, Aβ1-42 was not detected in flies expressing either a single copy or double copy of AβpE3-42. GMR-GAL4 was used to drive expression of Aβ1-42 and AβQ3-42 transgenic flies. (PDF 10727 kb

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