
As a complement to analysis of array strains (fig. S11-S12), GI degrees were calculated for query strains by counting negative interactions (tab 1, interactions with DMA strains; tab 2, interactions with TSA strains) and by counting positive interactions (tab 3, interactions with DMA strains; tab 4, interactions with TSA strains). Essential and nonessential queries were analyzed separately and results are labeled by grouped column headers. Wilcoxon rank-sum tests compared the GI degree in paired gene sets defined by absence and presence of each binary feature tested (top table). If the P-value is significant (< 0.05), the “Test result” column describes the degree of the set of genes for which the listed binary feature is true (compared to the set for which the feature is false). Tests were not performed, indicated by “N/A”, if data were present for fewer than 50 strains; strains with missing data were excluded from the tests. Pearson’s correlation (column labeled “r”) was used to measure associations between GI degree and features that are continuous or counts (bottom table). Uncorrected P-values are shown. The features examined in this analysis are described above (see Methods section entitled, “ Genetic interaction degree and frequency analysis”). Given that analysis of different features required using different statistical tests and some features are not expected to be independent of each other, no multiple hypotheses correction procedures were used. We do note that 31 gene features were tested

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