Skull metric dataset from LaPoint et al. RSOpenScience 2017 Growth overshoot and seasonal size changes in the skulls of two weasel species


This .csv contains the individuals used within our analyses and 18 attributes that were recorded or measured by the lead author. These attributes are listed below with definitions: species (2 levels: Mustela erminea, Mustela nivalis), institution (14 levels: BRUS Muséum d‘Histoire Naturelle Brussels, CUMV Cornell University, HELS Finnish Museum of Natural History Helsinki , MFN Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, MNHG Muséum d‘Histoire Naturelle Geneva, MRI Mammal Research Institute Białowieża , MSU Michigan State University Museum, MVZ Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Berkeley, NCMNS North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences Raleigh, NCSU North Carolina State University, NYSM New York State Museum Albany, ROM Royal Ontario Museum Toronto, UMMZ University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, USNM National Museum of Natural History Washington), catalog (unique values, for referencing to actual specimens in natural history collections, but not used for analyses), age (3 levels: A, adult, J, juvenile, S, subadult, see methods for definitions), condylobasal length (numeric, measured in mm), height of braincase with auditory bullae (numeric, measured in mm), braincase depth (numeric, measured in mm, excludes auditory bullae), braincase width (numeric, measured in mm), B2CBL (numeric, relative value of braincase depth to condylobasal length), MDY (date, month/day/year), doy (numeric, day of year), sex (2 levels: F, female, M, male), country (24 levels, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States), state (119 levels, state/region/province), location (549 levels, town/village when provided, otherwise see methods), origin (8 levels, broad geographic regions that were created to bin specimens into spatially similar regions, see Methods for details, all origins were included in analyses that present 'global' results), latitude (decimal degrees, WGS84), longitude (decimal degrees, WGS84)

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