
Conformance Testing with Labelled Transition Systems: Implementation Relations and Test Generation


This paper studies testing based on labelled transition systems, presenting two test generation algorithms with their corresponding implementation relations. The first algorithm assumes that implementations communicate with their environment via symmetric, synchronous interactions. It is based on the theory of testing equivalence and preorder, as is most of the testing theory for labelled transition systems, and it is found in the literature in some slightly different variations. The second algorithm is based on the assumption that implementations communicate with their environment via inputs and outputs. Such implementations are formalized by restricting the class of labelled transition systems to those systems that can always accept input actions. For these implementations a testing theory is developed, analogous to the theory of testing equivalence and preorder. It consists of implementation relations formalizing the notion of conformance of these implementations with respect to labelled transition system specifications, test cases and test suites, test execution, the notion of passing a test suite, and the test generation algorithm, which is proved to produce sound test suites for one of the implementation relations

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