Additional file 7: Figure S6. of Ancient bacteria of the Ötzi’s microbiome: a genomic tale from the Copper Age


Comparative genomic analysis of Clostridium sp. CADE, C. algidicarnis CALG, and C. perfringens CPER with other fully sequenced strains. Panel a displays the circular genome atlas of Clostridium sp. CADE (red circle) with mapped orthologues (defined as reciprocal best BLASTp hits with more than 50% identity over at least 50% of both protein lengths) in public available Clostridium sp. Ade.TY genome (orange circle). Internal circles illustrate GC% deviation and GC skew (G − C/G + C). Panel b and c shows the same circular genome atlas of C. algidicarnis CALG and C. perfringens CPER, respectively

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