Additional file 1: of SMITE: an R/Bioconductor package that identifies network modules by integrating genomic and epigenomic information


Supplementary Methods. Figure S1 Proportions of RNA-seq reads from T. gondii-infected HFFs aligning to a composite hg19/Toxoplasma genome. Figure S2 Comparison of distance weighting effect on gene scores. Figure S3 Representation of simulations demonstrating the effects on high scoring genes of variation of weightings. Figure S4 Comparison of gene scores with reduced and full SMITE models. Figure S5 Examples of modules generated by full and reduced SMITE models. Figure S6 KS test results comparing SMITE and FEM module genes and a random sampling of 10,000 genes. Figure S7 Comparison of the performance of the full SMITE model with the FEM model. Table S1 Criteria for defining genomic contexts in HFFs. Table S2 Weighting criteria used for SMITE analysis of the T. gondii HFF dataset. Appendix 1 R code for analyzing T. gondii HFF dataset with SMITE. Appendix 2 R code for analyzing T. gondii HFF dataset with FEM. Supplementary references (PDF 5642 kb

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