
Pengelolaan Teacher Capacity Building (Tcb) Untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Guru (Studi Kasus Guru SMPN 2 Dan SMP Darul Hikam Bandung)


Teacher Capacity Building (TCB) is a key point for a quality education service provided by a school. In the reality, schools have no standardize TCB system to ensure that their TCB is conducted effectivity and efficiently. The research was conducted to figure out the answers to four main questions related to the steps taken in determining the TCB policy at school, the TCB management, the quality assurance system, and the impacts of TCB either for the teacher as an individual, for learning quality, or for school quality. The location of the research were SMPN 2 Bandung and SMP Darul Hikam Bandung as the representation of school with their own school policy on TCB. The reasearch was a qualitative reaserch with descriptive method. The data was callected using three major techniques: observation, indeepth interview, and documentary study. The research revealed that the TCB in SMP Darul Hikam is basen on need analysis, the power of the leader, the tandardized recruitment, and teacher performance assessment. In SMPN 2 Bandung the TCB is empowered by the networking and a very health atmosphere for the teacher to show their best performances. The research also found that the aspects needs to be improved in the implementation of the TCB in both schools are the documentary and the quality assurance

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