
Perancangan Tabung Vaksin Hewan Berbahan Dasar Polivinil Klorida (PVC) Dengan Mengunakan Elemen Peltier


The vaccine is one of the ways to prevent disease in livestock as an antibody. These vaccines are very vulnerable because it should not be exposed to direct sunlight and should not be frozen. For some types of vaccines should be stored at a temperature 2oC - 8oC. The toughest obstacle when should bring the vaccine to remote areas that are difficult to reach and have no major infrastructure such as adequate road. The cooling tubes planning has the dimensions of the tubes used are 3 inches and 4 inches. High tube 3 inches is 14.6 cm in size and high 4 inches is 19.8 cm made polyvinyl chloride. The planning results retrieved the tensile that occurs in the cooling tube sheath 38,144 kg/〖cm〗^2. Tensile on sheath insulating space 68,766 kg/〖cm〗^2. The shear stress of cooling space cover 0,00093 kg/〖cm〗^2. Shear stress on the cover tube 9,479 kg/〖cm〗^2. Press the voltage going to the metal welding 8,656 kg/〖cm〗^2. Voltage drop bolt permits 74 N/mm2. The shear stress permits 44,4 N/mm2. The diameter bolt required 0,278 m

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