Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Asymmetric cellular memory in bacteria exposed to antibiotics


The warning event had no detectable influence on cell division timing, while the stress event delayed cell divisions of mother and daughter cells and led to cell cycle synchronization. (A) The number of cell divisions per 5-min time interval during the course of the experiment is shown for unwarned cells (green trajectory) and cells that were exposed to a warning event (yellow). The favorable/warning period is represented in grey (0, or 10 µg/mL ampicillin during 2 h), the stress period in red (2000 µg/mL ampicillin during 1 h) areas respectively. In different colors the mean number of cell divisions per 5-min interval for each warning condition event is shown (N = 763 and 742 for exposure to 0 and 10 µg/mL ampicillin during the warning event). (B) The influence of the warning and stress event on the interdivision time (time since last division before event + time to next division after event) was analyzed. The area of the grey circles corresponds to the number of cells (smallest circle corresponds to 1 cell, largest circle corresponds to 48 cells) found in the experimental data. In color the median is shown for unwarned (green) and warned (yellow) cells. The warning event had no detectable effect on the interdivision time (left panel, overlapping green and yellow lines following a diagonal). In contrast, the stress event had a clear effect on the interdivision time (middle and right panel): Mother cells for which the last division had been less than 50 min ago divided only after around 150 min after the onset of the stress event. The first division of a daughter cell takes longer due to differentiation into a stalked mother cell. This delay can be observed when comparing the middle and the right panel. (PNG 868 kb

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