
Characterization of neural progenitor/stem cells derived from human embryonic stem cells


Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are able to proliferate indefinitely without losing their ability to differentiate into multiple cell types of all three germ layers. Due to these fascinating properties, hESCs have promise as a robust cell source for regenerative medicine and as an in vitro model for the study of human development. In my PhD study, I have investigated the neural differentiation process of hESCs using our established protocol, identified characteristics associated with each stage of the differentiation and explored possible signalling pathways underlying these dynamic changes. It was found that neural differentiation of hESCs could be divided into 5 stages according to their morphology, marker expression and differentiation potencies: hESCs, neural initiation, neural epithelium/rosette, neuronal progenitor cells and neural progenitor/stem cells (NPSCs) and 4 of these stages have been studied in more detail. At the neural initiation, hESCs firstly lose TRA-1-81 expression but retain SSEA4 expression. This transient cell population shows several similar properties to the primitive ectoderm. After neural-tube like structure/neural rosette formation, neural progenitor cells appear as typical bipolar structures and exhibit several properties of radial glial cells, including gene expression and pro-neuronal differentiation. The neural progenitor cells are able to grow in culture for a long time in the presence of growth factors bFGF and EGF. However, they gradually lose their bipolar morphology to triangular cell type and become pro-glial upon further differentiation. In addition, the state of neural progenitor and stem cells can be distinguished by their differential response to canonical Notch effector, C protein-binding factor 1. It was also found that delta like1 homolog (DLK-1) is temporally upregulated upon initial neural differentiation, but becomes undetectable after the neural progenitor stage. Overexpression of DLK-1 in NPSCs enhances neuronal differentiation in the presence of serum by blocking BMP and Notch pathways. These results show that neural differentiation of hESCs is a dynamic process in which cells go through sequential changes, and the events are reminiscent of the in vivo neurodevelopment process. Moreover, I have characterized stably transfected nestin-GFP reporter hESC lines and found that the cell lines maintained the features of hESCs and the expression of GFP is restricted to the neural lineage after differentiation. Therefore, these reporter lines will be useful for the study of factors that regulate neural differentiation and for the enrichment of neural progenitors from other lineages. Taken together, this study has demonstrated that hESCs are a good in vitro model to study the mechanisms and pathways that are involved in neural differentiation. The availability of hESCs allows us to explore previously inaccessible processes that occur during human embryogenesis, such as gastrulation and neurogenesis

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