Immunogenicity characterization of hexaploid and tetraploid wheat varieties related to celiac disease and wheat allergy


<p>Wheat is one of the major cereals consumed throughout the world; there has been a radical increase in the population suffering from many wheat-related disorders. The present study was conducted to screen low immunogenic hexaploid and tetraploid wheat varieties. A total of 34 different wheat varieties were tested for its total protein content, gliadin content and immunoreactivity with immunoglobulins of celiac (IgA) and wheat allergy patients (IgE). The wheat varieties HD-2851 and NIAW-917 (hexaploid) and NIDW-295, UAS-428, PDW-291, MPO-1215 and DDK-1025 (tetraploid) were found to be less immunoreactive varieties for both celiac and wheat allergy patients. The immunoblot assays for IgE reactivity have revealed that gliadin subunits present in all varieties are found to be allergic proteins. The principal component analysis biplot showed that tetraploid wheat varieties are less immunoreactive than hexaploids. The low immunogenic wheat varieties are suitable for plant breeding and preparation of low gluten or hypo-immunogenic products.</p

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