Quantitative visual field analysis of squinting eye under binocular conditions in ten patients with microstrabismus


Introduction: It is still not exactly known how strabismic patients perceive the surrounding world. It is commonly believed that patients with early onset convergent strabismus and microstrabismus do not suffer from diplopia because of two mechanisms: suppression and anomalous retinal correspondence (ARC). Suppression only occurs under binocular viewing conditions and concerns the central part of the visual field of the strabismic eye. Suppression is associated with a decrease of binocular functions in the central part of the visual field. ARC can be described as a form of internal squint that corrects for the image disparity due to external squint. It is the defence mechanism against diplopia in the more peripheral visual field. There is evidence however that this shift in retinal localisation does not affect the visual field equally. It seems that ARC is more outspoken in the periphery than in the centre of the visual field. This might be expl

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