Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Effect of personal exposure to black carbon on changes in allergic asthma gene methylation measured 5 days later in urban children: importance of allergic sensitization


Conserved promoter regions. Black lines mark loci that are conserved between human and mouse in the promoter region of IL4, IFNγ, and ARG2. White areas are not conserved. Conserved regions were identified using Standard Nucleotide BLAST (blastn for more dissimilar regions; for the 400 nucleotides upstream of the transcriptional start site (TSS) in the human sequence. The NOS2A promoter region under investigation is not conserved between mice and human. Figure S2: Schematic demonstration of collected measures. Numbers in the box represent the number of participants. N:n = number of repeat subjects: number of observations. Grey dotted box indicates two measures (both time 1 and time 2, 6 months apart) available and white box only one measure (Time 1) available. N = 10 participants dropped due to invalid personal or residential air pollution measures. N = 17 participants were further excluded from the analysis due to missing total IgE (N = 16) and invalid DNA methylation due to technical failures in the laboratory (N = 1), resulting in N = 136 of the final sample size. Figure S3: Correlations between day 1 and day 6 buccal cell DNA methylations of (a) IL4 (CpG−326,CpG−48, (b) IFNγ (CpG−186,CpG−54), and (c) NOS2A (CpG+5099, CpG+5106) and (d) ARG2 (average methylation of CpG−32, CpG−30, and CpG−26), Spearman correlation coefficient presented. (DOCX 466 kb

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