Neither ThioS positive structures nor neurodegeneration are observed in AAV-αsyn animals. (a-i) Sagittal brain sections were incubated with anti human asyn antibody followed by 5 min in 1% thioS solution. Thalamus (a-c) and cortex (d-f) of AAV-asyn animal show strong asyn immunoreactivity (a, d) that is not thioS- positive (b, e). As a control, human DLBD brain was co-stained in parallel. Cortical Lewy bodies positive for human asyn (g) are reactive to thioS (h, i). Representative images of NeuN-labeled cells in the cortex of AAV-asyn (n = 9) and AAV-venus (n = 7) at 6 months of age (k). Quantification of NeuN-positive cells in the whole cortex (area delineated in blue). Data are presented as as mean ± S.E.M means. Scale bars in i = 40 μm and applied to a-h; Scale bars in k = 2 mm. Abbreviation: DLBD; Diffuse Lewy Body Disease. (PDF 1541 kb