
Selective large-eddy simulation of hypersonic flows. Procedure to activate the filtering in unresolved regions only (arXiv:1211.1305, submitted to Computer Physics Communications)


A new method for the localization of the regions where the turbulent fluctuations are unresolved is applied to the large-eddy simulation (LES) of a compressible turbulent jet with an initial Mach number equal to 5. The localization method used is called selective LES and is based on the exploitation of a scalar probe function f which represents the magnitude of the stretching-tilting term of the vorticity equation normalized with the enstrophy (Tordella et al. 2007). For a fully developed turbulent field of fluctuations, statistical analysis shows that the probability that f is larger than 2 is almost zero, and, for any given threshold, it is larger if the flow is under-resolved. By computing the spatial field of f in each instantaneous realization of the simulation it is possible to locate the regions where the magnitude of the normalized vortical stretching-tilting is anomalously high. The sub-grid model is then introduced into the governing equations in such regions only. The results of the selective LES simulation are compared with those of a standard LES, where the sub-grid terms are used in the whole domain. The comparison is carried out by assuming as reference field a higher resolution Euler simulation of the same jet. It is shown that the selective LES modifies the dynamic properties of the flow to a lesser extent with respect to the classical LES. In particular, the prediction of the enstrophy distribution and of the energy and density spectra are substantially improve

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