Additional file 5: Fig. S1. of Genome-wide microRNA expression profiling in placentae from frozen-thawed blastocyst transfer


Validation of placental miRNAs expression using qRT-PCR. The boxplots show the expression levels of miR-197-5p (a), miR-4697-5p (b), miR-4721 (c), miR-5006-5p (d), miR-575 (e), miR-6893-5p (f), miR-125a-5p (g), miR-1260b (h), miR-224-3p (i), miR-331-3p (j), miR-365a-3p (k), miR-495-3p (l), miR-518b (m), miR-518f-3p (n), miR-543 (o) and miR-7977 (p). Data were normalized to RNU44 expression and are presented as boxplots with whiskers. The upper and lower limits of the boxes present the 75th and 25th percentiles, respectively. The upper and lower whiskers represent the maximum and minimum values that are no more than 1.5 times the span of the interquartile range (range of the values between the 25th and the 75th percentiles). The circles indicate the outliers. The median is indicated by the line in each box. They were analyzed using the Steel-Dwass test and considered statistically significant when p < 0.05. (PDF 1684 kb

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