Raw Extracellular Neural Data and Stimulus Data


Column one and two for the files labeled M1 through M25 are the raw neural voltage data and the corresponding motor voltage stimulus sampled at 40 kHz. M# indicates the particular moth used for experimentation. The raw neural data and stimulus data for M26 through M33 (both sampled at 40 kHz) were split into two files respectively called “M#_Raw Neural Data.txt” and “M#_ Stimulus Data.txt”. Files labeled M13, M15, M18, M19, and M20 had an additional step stimulus preceding the delivery of the white noise stimulus. A 0.2 Hz square wave stimulus of 4 V amplitude was interjected between the sinusoidal and white noise stimulus segments. The duration of the step stimulus was 16 seconds (640000 samples). There was a rest period of 1 second between the sinusoidal and the step function as well as between the step and white noise stimulus. Moreover, the Raw Neural Data files for M26, M28, M31, M32, and M33 contained multiple columns. Each column represented the neural data recorded from a particular recording site on the multi-site extracellular electrode. Having neural data from multiple recoding sites on the electrode improved spike sorting. These Data were acquired and saved in Matlab. Moreover, these data consisted of multiple chunks (6 chunks), which were concatenated together

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